UPDATE 2023: Shared here with my gratitude to Sterling Thomas for returning to work with me again and for this beautiful letter he wrote at the conclusion of our 10-session container:
Dear Julie,
I am harvesting so much from our time together! Firstly, I have a new sense of ease, a greater feeling of belonging, and a sense that I am not so deserving of shame as I once believed ā and that result alone would be enough!
I deeply enjoyed the energy work we did together. From that experience, I am able to observe my own boundaries much more clearly and I have a much better sense of how to manage my energy in a way that I believe will help me in my personal relationships, energy work, therapy practice, and more.
I can feel more of the Unicorn that I am and how delightful that is, and I am feeling ready to get down to brass tacks on business development and marketing. I have my homework for creating three business plans!
I appreciate your skills and knowledge, your style, and your own juiciness that you bring to this work! Thank you so much for being in my life!
~ Sterling
First Testimonial: 2018
Deep thanks and gratitude for guiding me through this luscious journey into Shamanic Clownhood.
From our discovery of Big Balls, No Balls, and the Shame Mango, to our lovely discussions of finding the juice and showing up with Yes!, you are the perfect Shamanic Clown Coach.
I am excited to think of what future endeavors we might conjure up and I hope the process was a rich for you as it was for this humble clown.
I am grateful you are in my life.
With affection and invitations to enjoy the Mystery,
Thomas Sterling, LCSW, a.k.a. Leif in Motion, Shamanic Clown